PrestaShop WhatsApp Order Notifications (Unofficial API)

Creating a plugin for PrestaShop to send WhatsApp notifications for order status changes involves several steps. Here’s a detailed guide on how to achieve this:

1. Create the Module Folder and Main File

Step 1: Create a folder named whatsappnotifications in the modules/ directory of your PrestaShop installation.

Step 2: Inside this folder, create a file named whatsappnotifications.php.

2. Main Module File

Add the following code to the whatsappnotifications.php file:

name = 'whatsappnotifications';
        $this->tab = 'administration';
        $this->version = '1.0.0';
        $this->author = 'Your Name';
        $this->need_instance = 0;


        $this->displayName = $this->l('WhatsApp Notifications');
        $this->description = $this->l('Sends WhatsApp notifications on order status changes.');

    public function install()
        return parent::install() &&
            $this->registerHook('actionOrderStatusPostUpdate') &&
            $this->createConfiguration() &&

    public function uninstall()
        return parent::uninstall() &&
            $this->deleteConfiguration() &&

    public function getContent()
        if (Tools::isSubmit('submitWhatsappNotifications')) {
            Configuration::updateValue('WHATSAPP_API_TOKEN', Tools::getValue('WHATSAPP_API_TOKEN'));
            Configuration::updateValue('WHATSAPP_INSTANCE_ID', Tools::getValue('WHATSAPP_INSTANCE_ID'));

            'whatsapp_api_token' => Configuration::get('WHATSAPP_API_TOKEN'),
            'whatsapp_instance_id' => Configuration::get('WHATSAPP_INSTANCE_ID'),
            'form_action' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']

        return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/admin/configure.tpl');

    protected function createConfiguration()
        Configuration::updateValue('WHATSAPP_API_TOKEN', '');
        Configuration::updateValue('WHATSAPP_INSTANCE_ID', '');
        return true;

    protected function deleteConfiguration()
        return true;

    protected function createMessageLogsTable()
        $sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `'._DB_PREFIX_.'whatsapp_message_logs` (
                `order_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
                `message` TEXT NOT NULL,
                `response` TEXT NOT NULL,
                `sent_at` DATETIME NOT NULL,
                PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
            ) ENGINE='._MYSQL_ENGINE_.' DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;';
        return Db::getInstance()->execute($sql);

    protected function dropMessageLogsTable()
        $sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `'._DB_PREFIX_.'whatsapp_message_logs`';
        return Db::getInstance()->execute($sql);

    public function hookActionOrderStatusPostUpdate($params)
        $order = new Order($params['id_order']);
        $new_status = $params['newOrderStatus']->name;
        $jid = '91' . $order->getCustomer()->phone . '';
        $msg = 'Hello ' . $order->getCustomer()->firstname . ', your order #' . $order->id . ' status has changed to ' . $new_status . '.';

        $response = $this->sendWhatsappMessage($jid, $msg);
        $this->saveMessageLog($order->id, $msg, $response);

    protected function sendWhatsappMessage($jid, $msg)
        $token = Configuration::get('WHATSAPP_API_TOKEN');
        $instance_id = Configuration::get('WHATSAPP_INSTANCE_ID');
        $response = file_get_contents('' . urlencode($token) . '&instance_id=' . urlencode($instance_id) . '&jid=' . urlencode($jid) . '&msg=' . urlencode($msg));
        return json_decode($response, true);

    protected function saveMessageLog($order_id, $msg, $response)
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'whatsapp_message_logs` (`order_id`, `message`, `response`, `sent_at`)
                VALUES (' . (int)$order_id . ', "' . pSQL($msg) . '", "' . pSQL(json_encode($response)) . '", NOW())';

3. Configuration Template

Create a views/templates/admin/ directory inside the whatsappnotifications folder and add a file named configure.tpl:

4. Activating the Module

  1. Upload the Module: Upload the whatsappnotifications folder to the modules/ directory of your PrestaShop installation.
  2. Install the Module: Go to the PrestaShop admin dashboard, navigate to “Modules” -> “Module Manager,” find “WhatsApp Notifications,” and click “Install.”
  3. Configure the Module: After installation, click “Configure” to enter your WhatsApp API token and instance ID.

By following these steps, you will create a PrestaShop module that sends WhatsApp notifications to customers when their order status changes. The module includes configuration settings for the API token and instance ID and logs the sent messages.

Michiel is the visionary co-founder of, a cutting-edge platform revolutionizing WhatsApp marketing. With a background in marketing and tech and a passion for leveraging technology to drive business growth, Michiel has spearheaded innovative solutions that blend strategic insight with tech-savvy execution. His expertise in analytics and digital communication has been pivotal in shaping into a leading tool for optimizing marketing ROI and enhancing customer engagement. Michiel's commitment to excellence and forward-thinking approach continues to drive's mission of transforming digital marketing strategies for businesses worldwide.